Fairchild Air Force Base, Multiple Award Task Order Contract

Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington

ERRG has completed a wide range of construction projects for the Air Force since 2007 under a 5-year multiple award task order contract at Fairchild Air Force Base and its affiliated facilities in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. Work has involved multiple disciplines in design and construction for maintenance, repair, and alteration of existing property as well as building new facilities.

ERRG has provided project management support, subcontractor management, quality control, and health and safety oversight through the duration of this contract. Projects have included fence/gate replacements, roadway repair, the design and installation of a range hood exhaust and fire suppression system, an auditorium remodel, construction of storage buildings, roof repair and painting of housing units, and the repair of a chilled water piping system used to cool flight simulators.


Former Truckee Dump Landfill, Remediation Action Design/Build


Lake Davis Water Treatment Plant, Improvement Project